Meet John Blevins

John Blevins has been a southern California resident for most of his life. Married for 46 years, he and his wife, Debbie, have two sons. A veteran of the Army, former pastor, and songwriter, John’s many talents have led him to write plays and short stories, and to tell countless tales over dinner to his grandchildren (all nine of them!).

Book one

Danger, Rescue & Friendship

What? A nearsighted lion with no tail and an educated mouse with an eyepatch?

Meet Dandylion and Coppersmith, two mildly disadvantaged animals that together overcome every obstacle before them and rise to heroic proportions beyond them. You will find yourself running through the jungle, escaping danger, and making new friends.

Dandylion and Coppersmith will capture your heart as together they travel to return lost Dandylion to his home and Coppersmith on his journey to “see the world.” This is a friendship you will find unforgettable, irresistible, and heartwarming!

Book Two

The Adventure Begins

Nothing is impossible with a best friend by your side!

Dandylion and Coppersmith are almost home (and Dandylion is seeing better than ever thanks to his brand new eyeglasses)! Our heroes are about to discover that no matter what dangers or obstacles they face, there is always a way out, as long as they work together.

So watch out for the hungry hyenas, race with the giant hippos, and meet new friends (and old) along the way. Laughter, suspense, and wild antics await as our two furry friends continue on in their latest adventure!

Book Three

Down Under

Dandylion and Coppersmith are off to their next adventure! So how in the world does a mouse get a lion aboard a large ocean ship full of large containers and people? And how will he care for his friend during two weeks at sea? Then again, how does Coppersmith get Dandylion off the boat without being seen? And what will they find in Australia?

Well, one thing we know for sure…our two faithful furry friends will find more adventure in their travels than they ever imagined! New friends. New animals. And, of course, new dangers. Be prepared to find yourself laughing at times, concerned at times, and on the edge of your seat ALL the time, as these two world travelers begin their journey “down under”!